Thursday 17 November 2011

evaluation on feedback on the music video

Overall i think that everyone enjoyed our music video, they said that it was well filmed and the editing was good.
they like the shots and angles that we used such as the close up of Jack playing the guitar and when he walked away from it at the end and thought that it really captured the emotion of the artist.
they liked the transactions for the past shots with a fade in and out, adnthought that it was uncomplicated and easy to understand.
they thought that the lighting and set we used were well thought out and our costums were good as they suited the style of the song.
they thought that we sold the artist well by the way he was dressed and they thought this was done well through showing his behaviour and personality with the relationship with the other character.
the thought that we needed to improve on the lip syncing was the down point as they  thought that our main character wasnt putting enough feeling and and confidence into it.
if we could do it again i would have inproved on the lip syncing so that it looked better and there was more of it.

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